Single Origins

DROPSHOT SO Single Origins are regional coffee selection from a specific washing station, that gathers coffees from a selection of regional farmers. These coffees are available usually throughout the year because we stock them. Delivered freshly roasted, they are intended for specialty coffee lovers, who appreciate the coffee origin’s terroir.

These coffees have a dominant aromatic note, complemented by secondary notes, which round up the taste profile. Our roast style for these coffees is to amplify the dominant note which sometimes is floral, fruity, spicy or nutty. We aim to balance that dominant note by developing caramel or dark chocolate bitter sweet notes. Expect to be surprised, expect to recognize the dominant note  but also rest assured that properly extracted, these coffees are sweet, balanced and have a very pleasing aftertaste. Just keep an open mind that all single origins are different among them, so you might be surprised how different aromas grow into you and change your previous taste preferences. 

Tasty in espresso, milk , filter.

Recommended for :

 Manual espresso machines

 Automatic espresso machines

 Automatic filter machines

 Manual brew gear

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