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Capsune, Bomboane asortate, Zmeura deshidratata

Preț obișnuit 89,90 lei
Preț obișnuit Preț redus 89,90 lei
Promotie Stoc epuizat
Taxe incluse.
Cantitate pachet
Origine Columbia
Grad de prajire Omni Roast
Note Capsune, Bomboane asortate, Zmeura deshidratata
Regiune Circasia, Quindio
Ferma Campo Hermoso
Altitudine 1800 m
Varietal Red Bourbon
Tip de procesare Macerare carbonica, Experimentala
Recolta vara 2024
Scor 88.75
Edwin are peste 20 de ani de experienta in domeniul cafelei si este un foarte mare nume in industrie multumita procesarilor experimentale reusite. Am inceput sa lucram direct cu Edwin si sa ne extindem gama de loturi de la el, fiind de fiecare data placut surprinsi de potentialul acestora. "Candyland" si-a gasit deja un loc stabil si constant in gama noastra, intrucat notele dulci oferite la degustare ne-au facut sa aducem lotul in tara din nou si din nou si din nou !

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Bogdan Lupu
Dried fruity sweetness galore

To me, the candy in this coffee's name is a mere hint towards the sweetness it harbours, but I certainly get more hints of dried fruit (think dates) and forest fruit (blackberry-blueberry in terms of flavours, but without their acidity). The acidity is almost non-existant, body is on the richer side, which was pleasantly surprising. The fermentation notes make you slightly think of red wine. It is a joy, would definitely recommend.

Brew method: Tim Wendelboe's Aeropress method, 14 clicks on a C40.


Niche coffee beans. As its name says, it seems it is an experimental set of coffee beans. They have an aroma and taste of bonbons mixed the usual coffee notes, and its aroma floats around the house. Its flavor is different to other ones: more chocolate and bonbons rather than citrus or burnt. I’m glad I tried but is not for me. However, tastes are different for every person: try it and enjoy the diversity of tastes from coffee beans and their toasting.

(Google translate)
Boabe de cafea de nișă. După cum spune și numele, se pare că este un set experimental de boabe de cafea. Au o aromă și gust de bomboane amestecate cu notele obișnuite de cafea, iar aroma ei plutește prin casă. Aroma sa este diferită de altele: mai multă ciocolată și bomboane decât citrice sau arse. Mă bucur că am încercat, dar nu este pentru mine. Cu toate acestea, gusturile sunt diferite pentru fiecare persoană: încercați-l și bucurați-vă de diversitatea gusturilor de la boabele de cafea și prăjirea lor.

Oh my ... Candy Land Heaven

When first opening the bag, your nose is enveloped in the sweet scents that shout out the name "Candy Land Experimental." The fragrance of the ground beans implores you to brew this coffee right now. Ratio used 18g in / 40g out. The flavor of this expresso is uniquely memorable and rich. A cortado milk drink screams "Candy Land" in every sip.
If you have friends who drink expresso with added sweeteners, hide them. They are irrelevant here.

François Charreire

I had an expresso ina very nice Barista / coffee shop in france (Valenciennes) and it was a real experience.
I'm delighted that dropshot ships to France.
I finally have my specialty coffee for lunch. It has a unique taste and exceptional length in the mouth. Two hours later I can still taste it on the roof of my mouth, it's unique.
Thank you very much, I wish you every success and see you soon for a new order.

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